Film Zulu. Lieutenant John Chard: The army doesn't like more than one disaster in a day. Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.
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Subject: zulu film exhibition Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:22 pm
Yet again, no mention of the 'REAL HEROES' The 24th foot (2nd Warwickshire) regiment.
What is the point in having exhibitions and museums, etc, that are supposed to be dedicated to the memory of this regiment if they don't tell people the REAL name of it?
They get away with it by just putting 24th foot or 24th regiment, but this is totally wrong, as the regiment was only known as this between 1751 and 1782. From 1782 and until July 1881 it was the 24th (2nd Warwickshire) regiment, and this is the title that should be displayed at exhibitions and museums that are dedicated to this regiment, not just 24th foot or 24th regiment, and in some cases confusing the public by putting SWB. The SWB was never numbered the 24th, as the numbers had been discontinued from July 1881, so the title of the regiment after July 1881 should just be The South Wales Borderers, with no numbers, therefor making the last infantry regiment to have the numbers 24 in their title, The second Warwickshire regiment, The REAL Noble 24th.
Why can't these exhibitions, museums and other places get it right, or is it a matter of not wanting to inform the public of the REAL name of the regiment that fought at both Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift, and keep up the pretence that the regiment was Welsh?
These sort of exhibitions, museums and other places should be made to display to the public the REAL name of this regiment, and not be allowed to get away with it by just putting 24th. The TRUE identity of the regiment should be displayed in large upper case letters for all to see, not just some mention in the small print.
If exhibitions, museums etc, want to honour this regiment, then display the full title of the regiment, and honour it and the men that fought in it, by telling the public the REAL name of it.
If you want to honour this regiment, then also honour it's name, The 24th foot (2nd Warwickshire) regiment.
old historian2
Posts : 1093 Join date : 2009-01-14 Location : East London
Subject: Re: Zulu Film Exhibition film now on You Tube Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:47 pm
After 133 years I don't think it's going to change.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Zulu Film Exhibition film now on You Tube Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:08 am
Subject: zulu film exhibition Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:14 pm
Hi old H
Yes, I know the regiment was wrongly (in my opinion) moved by the government in 1873, but the regiment was still called the 24th foot (2nd Warwickshire) regiment, and it was under this name that the regiment served during the AZW, therefor any exhibition, museum, website, etc, etc, that is supposed to be dedicated to this regiment, especially during it's service in the AZW, should display to the public the full name of the regiment, and not just get away with it by putting 24th foot or 24th regiment, as this was the regiments title from 1751 to 1782, but from 1782 until July 1881 the regiment was called the 24th (2nd Warwickshire) regiment of foot, and this is what should be fully displayed at these exhibitions, museums and other places, and also on websites.
Baker and his almost fictional film are the biggest culprits that are responsible for this false belief that the regiment was Welsh, and it is the likes of these exhibitions, museums, websites, etc, etc, that keep up this pretence by conveniently excluding the REAL name of the regiment by just putting 24th foot or 24th regiment, and letting the uninitiated public think that it was a Welsh regiment called the SWB, in other words, it is one big Welsh cover up.
These exhibitions, museums, websites and other places, should be MADE to display the REAL full name of the regiment, and give out correct information in the literature and on their websites, they should not be allowed to get away with just putting 24th, or making a passing remark about the regiment being called the 2nd Warwickshire regiment in the small print, this is no way to honour a regiment and it's men that fought so bravely and gloriously at both Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift, this regiment and the brave lads that fought in it should be given the credit, honour and glory they deserve, the regiment should have its full title in large letters for all the public to see, not some mention in the small print.
Like I said before, what is the point in having these exhibitions, museums, websites, regimental write up's, etc, etc, that are supposed to be dedicated to this regiment and it's part in the AZW, if they don't give people the REAL name of it.
If they want to honour this regiment then they should also honour the name of it, and that name is The 24th (2nd Warwickshire) Regiment of foot. AND NO OTHER.
Posts : 7076 Join date : 2009-04-24 Age : 56 Location : Down South.
Subject: Re: Zulu Film Exhibition film now on You Tube Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:05 pm
Quote :
Baker and his almost fictional film are the biggest culprits